On both sides of the sight are fuse wells set at 45 degrees. Two pairs of scissor legs attached to the bottom support the mine and allow it to be aimed vertically. A simple open sight on the top surface allows for aiming the mine. The case has the words 'Front Toward Enemy' embossed on the front surface of the mine.
Ough experimentation to deliver the optimum distribution of fragments at 50 m (55 yd) range. WEAPON OF THE DAY: The M18A1 Claymore mine consists of a horizontally convex green plastic case (inert training versions are blue). It is the primary infantry MOS for the Marine Corps. Hum Rahe Ya Na Rahe Kal Song Free Download here. MOS 0311 is the United States Marine Corps (USMC) Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) code for riflemen.
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